Monday, July 27, 2009

MC2030 07/23 Meeting

Parts 1 and 2 below of raw video of the first of the Regional Plan Commission working meetings to refine the 2030 plan following a round of citizen comment. An unpopular map is discarded, a plan to evaluate a possible reliever airport is retained and a discussion of whether a sizable portion of land between Marengo and the tollway should be included in an ag map are among the actions and discussions.
Note: due to hosting size limits, these two videos are presented in low resolution.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

MC2030 Plan Commission Special Meeting

Four members of the McHenry County Regional Plan Commission called for a special meeting to discuss possible proxy voting, concerns about the time left to complete the plan, how public comment should be treated, the mapping policies and the non-policy portions of the plan text. Raw video of the 2 hour meeting in Parts 1 and 2 below. Learn about the plan at

MC2030 RPC Special Mtg 7/16/09 Part 1

MC2030 RPC Special Mtg 7/16/09 Part 2