Monday, September 7, 2009

Energy Saver Homes - Field Demonstrations

Senior research engineer Dr. William Miller of the Building Envelopes Research Progam at Oak Ridge National Laboratory presents four homes built to study high-efficiency lighting, water-to-air and water-to-water heat pumps, Energy Star appliances, reclaiming heat from gray water and other techniques.
Taped August 8, 2009 at the Illinois Renewable Energy Association's Eighth Annual Illinois Renewable Energy Fair in Oregon, Illinois.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The State of Wind - 2009

A portion of an update on the state of wind power development in the United States by Hans Detweiler of the American Wind Association. Taped August 9th, 2009 at the Illinois Renewable Energy Association's Eighth Annual Illinois Renewable Energy Fair at the Ogle County Fairgrounds in Oregon, Il.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Rapid Holocene Deglaciation of te Laurentide Ice Sheet - An Analogue of Our Future?

Dr. Anders Carlson of the School of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Wisconsin discusses the rapid deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet during the early holocene and it's implications for our future. Taped August 9, 2009 at the Illinois Renewable Energy Association's Eighth Annual Illinois Renewable Energy Fair,
Oregon, Il

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Path to Low and Net-Zero Energy Buildings

Andy Robinson of SEDEAC Building Research Council at the School of Architecture at the University of Illinois discusses SEDAC's work to encourage energy efficiency in commercial buildings with the hope to reduce energy use by 70%, followed by a reduction to net-zero energy use as renewables come online.
Taped August 8th, 2009 at the Illinois Renewable Energy Association's Eight Annual Illinois Renewable Energy Fair, Oregon, Il.

Monday, August 17, 2009

On the Path to Deep Energy Reductions in Existing Buildings

Linda Wigington discusses the feasibility of achieving deep energy reductions in existing dwellings through the North American Thousand Homes Challenge. Linda Wigington is founder and special project director of Affordabe Comfort, Inc.

Taped August 9th, 2009 at the Illinois Renewable Energy Associations's Eighth Annual Illinois Renewable Energy Fair in Oregon, Illinois.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Beyond Sustainability - Surviving Oil Depletion and Climate Change with Community Solutions

Pat Murphy discusses the background & implications of global oil depletion, why the most widely-discussed "sustainable" and "green" solutions are inadequate, and offers viable energy curtailment tactics for food, housing and transportation. Pat Murphy is the executive director of Community Solutions, has organized numerous conferences on climate change and peak oil and is the author of
Plan C - Community Survival Strategies for Peak Oil and Climate Change.

Taped August 8, 2009 at the Eigth Annual Illinois Renewable Energy Fair, Oregon, Illinois. The fair is produced by the Illinois Renewable Energy Association.

Monday, July 27, 2009

MC2030 07/23 Meeting

Parts 1 and 2 below of raw video of the first of the Regional Plan Commission working meetings to refine the 2030 plan following a round of citizen comment. An unpopular map is discarded, a plan to evaluate a possible reliever airport is retained and a discussion of whether a sizable portion of land between Marengo and the tollway should be included in an ag map are among the actions and discussions.
Note: due to hosting size limits, these two videos are presented in low resolution.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

MC2030 Plan Commission Special Meeting

Four members of the McHenry County Regional Plan Commission called for a special meeting to discuss possible proxy voting, concerns about the time left to complete the plan, how public comment should be treated, the mapping policies and the non-policy portions of the plan text. Raw video of the 2 hour meeting in Parts 1 and 2 below. Learn about the plan at

MC2030 RPC Special Mtg 7/16/09 Part 1

MC2030 RPC Special Mtg 7/16/09 Part 2

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Commuting by Bike in McHenry County

The McHenry County Bicycle Advocates work on behalf of all McHenry County bicycle riders. Their goal is to help motivate the county, and the cities and townships within the county, to provide adequate accomodations both on the roads and in the form of bicycle paths.

Of concern is the McHenry County Department of Transportation's planned reconstruction of Rakow Road which will convert a two lane road with bicycle friendly shoulders into a four lane "curb and gutter" road with no accomodations for bicycles.

Visit to learn how to sign their petition asking MCDOT to include facilities for bicycles on Rakow Rd.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Opening Remarks at Earth Day Celebration - Prairieview Nature Center April 18, 2009

Bill Donato of the Environmental Defenders of McHenry County, MCCD's Deb Chapman, MCCD board president Kim Hankins and state Senator Pamela Althoff open up 2009's Earth Day celebration. Sue Burke of the McHenry County Schools Environmental Education Program presents the annual awards to teachers and schools for environmental excellence.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Oaks of McHenry County

Dan Deters created this McHenry County Community Foundation backed production exploring the Oak tree's past, present and future in McHenry County.

Created by Dan Deters. Additional photography by Weg Thomas, Arthur Lazar, Ray Mathis, Mary McClelland, Dale Shriver, Library of Congress, McHenry County Conservation District, McHenry County Historical Society.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Community Energy Independence

A talk by Kaymar Enshayan, director University of Northern Iowa Local Food Project. Local governments, economic development entities & other community organizations have a key role to play to invest in local food, energy & public infrastructure that will add resilience to the local economy. Presenting a comprehensive inititiative to strengthen the local food economy & the potential for significant community-wide energy conservation & renwable energy programs.

Recorded August 9th, 2008 at the Illinois Renewable Energy Fair, Oregon Illinois.